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Author Topic: Mercedes + Hydros  (Read 2288 times)
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« on: May 23, 2005, 08:26:56 PM »

hey whats up,

        I'm gonna be coming into a lot of money pretty soon and i wanted to pimp out my next car, which is going to be a mercedes.  I had my eyes set on an earlier to mid 90's E class or maybe even a '98 S Class.  I was definetly thinking of including some hydros on it regardless. When i say i want some hydros i dont mean i want this thing to dance or anything, i just want a little bit of up and down.  If any of you have seen the Monte Carlo that Denzel Washington drives in the movie Training Day, thats about what i want in terms of up and down potential.  Another point to this is that i dont want to ruin the car, i preferably would like a lot of trunkspace left over.  I'm also probably gonna put some 20's or 21's so please tell me if thats gonna be a technical problem.  
                        So what i'm pretty much asking is how much a hydraulic system that fits that criteria would cost and what the potential side effects on the car would be.  If yall could help me out thatd be awesome.  Thanks.

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« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2005, 02:08:28 AM »

Regarding trunk space, go with a high speed, high torgue motor for the front, Two batteries should be enough.

I can't say I seen the movie Training Day yet, but you will jump up pretty good with some nice coils, and maybe hop about 8".

That motor makes a unique sound.

Regarding the rim sizes, hmm... just a guess here... forget about laying.


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Dro'd Up
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2005, 09:03:50 AM »

Remember the thinner the tire you use the less you want the car to hop considering that the tire also gives a bit of cushion along with the springs. Too thin of a tire can result in some bent rims even off an 8 inch Hop. Your best bet for that kind of setup would be airbags.Up and down side to  side with minimal space taken up in the trunk.
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