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Author Topic: WORDS  (Read 5572 times)
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« on: March 18, 2004, 11:46:46 AM »

The frame smacks the ground while hopping.

This is the name of the electrical soleniod valve that controls the fluid.

Topped off and Locked Up.
This is when you bring the car up all the way, then you continue to hit the switch. When you continue hit the switch, the coil springs become compressed, causing excessive stress on the suspension. This also causes a very hard ride while driving.

Hit the Switch:
This is when you move the switch handle/knob. Can be said to bring the car up or to start bouncing the car up and down.

These are names for the complete hydraulic units that are the main power of hydraulics on cars.

Hit the switch for the rear of the car.

Front of the car. Also called "to the nose"

Whammy, (Whammy Tank and Whammy Pump):
Originally this was for one long tank with two block and motors at each end.  Later is was also used to mean a hi-powered single pump assembly.

Meaning a car has hydraulics. (as in "he's juiced or it's lifted).

Long arm, short arm. Typical GM suspension referring to the A-Arms or upper and lower control arms in the front suspension
« Last Edit: June 22, 2004, 12:07:25 AM by Hydros » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 08:18:12 PM »

Here is a cut and paste from our club website...


Adel - 1. Original dump valve from aircraft hydraulic brake system used in some hoppers. 2. A brand of aircraft pump sometimes used.

Adex - A perfect reproduction of a Adel dump valve from aircraft hydraulic brake system used in some hoppers.


B - Body - Reference to a early 90's Chevrolet Caprice or Impala.

Bagged - A vehicle with an air adjustable suspension is said to be bagged.

Banging On Plaques - Lowriding as a fad.

Bounce - The act of jumping the car off of the ground.

Bow Tail - A Buick Riveria from the early 1970's that are known for their unusual rear section.

Box Chevy - A Chevrolet Caprice or Impala from the late 70's and through the 1980's.


Candlestick - 1. The solenoid on a square dump. 2. Generic term for a square dump.

Caddy - A Cadillac.

Check - A check valve.

Clowning - Hitting switches, showing off or playing around with a lowrider.

Corners - The act of moving a individual corner of the vehicle with hydraulics.


D - Body - Reference to a early 90's Cadillac Fleetwood.

D's - Slang for Daytons.

Daytons - 1. Most desired brand of radial laced wire wheels for a lowrider. 2. Sometimes misused as a generic term for any wire wheel.

Deadhead - Hitting switches after the car has already been lifted all the way with hydraulics.

Deuce - Slang for a 1962 Impala.

Dog leg - Same as three wheel motion but one rear wheel is off the ground.

Dump - A valve used to control the downward movement of a car with hydros. 2. Slang to drop a car with hydraulics.


Etching - Talking about designs put on automotive glass.

Engraving - Designs put on chrome or gold surfaces on a lowrider.


Five O - A cop.

Flex - Hitting switches.

Foe - Slang for a 1964 Impala.

G - Body - Reference to a Regal, Monte Carlo, Cutlass or Grand Prix from the 1980's.

Gate - Slang for a modern lift gate style pump used in lowriders today.

Glass House - A Caprice or Impala from the 1970's.


Hop - Same as bounce.

Hydraulically Challenged - Someone who is new to lowrider hydraulics or clueless.

Hydros - Hydraulics.


Inlet - Where hydraulic fluid enters a hydraulic circuit.


Jacked Up - A car lifted all the way with hydraulics.

Juiced - A vehicle with a hydraulic adjustable suspension is said to be juiced or have juice.


Key - Another name for a coupler on a lift gate style pump had goes between the pump head and DC motor.


Lifts - Hydraulics.

Locked Up - When a vehicle with hydraulics is lifted to it's highest point.

Low Low - A lowrider.

Monster Green - A reference to a large Hydro-Aire aircraft hydraulic valve.


Nose - Talking about the front of a car.


O-ring - A seal used in hydraulics.

Outlet - An opening that hydraulic fluid comes out of.


Pesco - A popular brand of aircraft pump used in early lowriders. Stands for Pump Engineering Service Corporation.

Plaque - A metal club logo put inside a lowrider used to represent a lowrider car club.

Pump head - A lowrider term for a hydraulic gear pump.

Queen - 1. A short version of trailer queen. 2. A car that isn't driven.

Rag - A convertible top car.

Rivi - A Buick Riveria.

Rooster - Also some times called a mini rooster it is a slang name for a Pesco aircraft pump. This term comes from the sound of a Pesco pump in operation.

Rooster Tail - The trail of sparks when a lowrider is scraping on the ground.


Scrape - 1. The act of dragging a car while driving and shooting sparks. 2. A term for a lowrider.

Screaming Mimi - A slang name for a Pesco 280 aircraft hydraulic pump.

Shaw - Slang for Crenshaw Blvd. in LA, a famous lowrider cruising strip.

Slowdown - A adjustable valve used to control how fast a car with hydraulics comes down when dumped.

Spokes - 1. A generic term for wire wheels. 2. Referring to the metal spokes on a wire wheel.

Square - A heavy duty dump valve originating from aircraft hydraulics and used on serious setups.

Stratopower - A brand of aircraft pump sometimes used.

Supremes - The original choice wheel of early lowriders and looks like a deep dish five star rim.


Tank - A hydraulic reservoir on a pump.

Three wheel - Lifting a car with hydraulics so that one front tire is off the ground.

Tray - Slang for a 1963 Impala.


Unibody - A car without a true frame such as a import.


Valve - Shortened term for dump valve, check valve or slowdown valve.


Waterman - A dump valve used on some lowriders known to have pressure lock.

Whammy Tank - A setup where two pumps are sharing a large tank.

Whittaker - A dump valve used on some lowriders.


X - Block - A hydraulic part that equalizes pressure in a hydraulic circuit.

X - Frame - A strong frame for hopping that came in early Chevrolet Impalas.


Y - Block - A hydraulic part that can take two pressure inputs and has an output or vice versa.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2005, 08:20:36 PM by misterouija » Logged

" Mister Ouija "
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« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2005, 08:58:50 PM »

Hey Thanks for the input Misterouija.


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« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2006, 02:28:57 AM »

u forgot B 4 booty kit  a 5th wheel or also known as (continental kit) & Z 4 zig-zag a popular aircraft slow down.
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