first a compressed gas was needed, as in the tanks used for welding. Pure oxygen is explosive, nitrogen was chosen instead. Then two dump valves were needed, one at the nitro tank to allow it's pressure to flow into the piston pump tank, and the other dump valve to allow pressure to leave the piston pump tank.
1) The nitro tank dump valve is wired so that when the piston pump motor engages, the dump valve opens. once the switch is at rest or off the up side position, then the dump valve closes. - Once the valve opens, this causes the nitro to force the piston toward the pump head, which forces fluid under greater pressure to prime the pump head. And at the same time, by-passing the pump head and forcing fluid straight to the cylinders via the return ports drilled into the piston pump block.
2) The second gas dump is wired to open when the cars dump valve also dumps. The second gas pressure dump valve opens and allows the pump piston to return. As the piston returns, it is allowing two different flows of fluid to return, one is from the regular dump valve, and the other is from the drilled out return ports in the block itself.
I choose spool valves as they hold pressure on both (port) sides at the same time. This spool valve was needed from the nitro tank to the piston pump air/gas chamber.
The first and second images are what was basically used, the last image it doubling if one valve fails to open.
NOTE, all valves used are normally closed.