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Ideas, Inventions, Theories => Configurations => Topic started by: Hydros on March 16, 2013, 01:41:32 PM

Title: Another design for quick disconnect
Post by: Hydros on March 16, 2013, 01:41:32 PM
This can and should be modified many many ways
Since the linear actuator moves slow, a leverage was used to speed it up. There are many many ways to improve this idea.

more later.

Title: Re: Another design for quick disconnect
Post by: Hydros on March 27, 2013, 12:37:22 AM
I think they are as actuators as small as " with a 1." throw. The scissors will be approx the 7" so I am thinking 7x7x2.5" for the complete unit. But, you could mount this on the trunk lid. Plenty of space up there, plus for show, just have the unit with a cover and chrome it.

If someone wants to brainstorm, I am 100% sure the idea can be reworked to save space, parts, and time to make. You see, on paper the idea looks do-able, but in real life, there can be many many bugs to work out.