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Unique & Custom Designs => Inside the Trunk => Topic started by: Hydros on September 25, 2012, 12:40:25 AM

Title: First stages in hopping a Pesco
Post by: Hydros on September 25, 2012, 12:40:25 AM
Just got some temp batteries in today. Started looking at how to run the wiring and see how to install the Pesco. Seeing I had to make room, the solenoid packs were getting move, hopping pump removed and maybe move rear gate more to the left.

Pics soon

Title: Re: First stages in hopping a Pesco
Post by: Hydros on September 25, 2012, 12:42:27 AM
I needed a tank but just didn't want to make one. Plus I needed a stationary tank to test other aircraft power packs.
Hit upon the idea to just use a regular gate tank and block.

pics soon

Title: Re: First stages in hopping a Pesco
Post by: Hydros on September 25, 2012, 12:45:13 AM
Came upon this nice early hopping tank w/block, three external block ports, and one tank port.

Toyed with the idea of standing the tank above the block and threading out the port where the coupling is. Then it would hang above and supply outgoing and return fluid.

Title: Re: First stages in hopping a Pesco
Post by: Hydros on September 25, 2012, 02:05:54 AM
A faster way to make the tank and conserve space would be to mount the tank sideways.
first pics is how it all looks, but we are going to mount the tank way above and need those block ports on the bottom, and the vent of filler port must be on top.

The second pics is how the tank will be mounted in the trunk. Then the hoses will travel down to the Pesco

Title: block and tank
Post by: Hydros on September 26, 2012, 01:43:41 AM
what I like with this block is that the center port is a #8 JIC fitting or hose fitting that uses a o-ring for the seal.  

I can also port out that pressure port for better flow.

The Pescos have these large ports that are not even close to what we used to hop with. I could also use both the pressure and return ports for more flow, I just don't feel it's needed, (at this time)

Next up we'll see how the coupling hole is closed off. Then the mounting.

In the meantime, I may hook up the BMH piston pump to the 4001s motor just for fun. Got a new set of higher rated coils and need to break those in first. soooo, the rest of this post might get put on hold. Then we'll see what the 4001s does on 48 24 VDC